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Cities in the Yangtze River Delta region ranked for residents’ income

Income of residents in Hangzhou ranked fourth

In the first half year, the average income of urban residents in Hangzhou reached 11899 yuan, surpluses the average income of 664 yuan of the whole province. Cities in front of Hangzhou on the list are Wenzhou (12780 yuan, which is not in the 16 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region), Shaoxing (12362 yuan) and Taizhou (12147 yuan).

The growth of urban residents’ disposable income per capita in Hangzhou in the first half year was 14.7%, ranked third in the 11 cities in Zhejiang.

In the first half year, the per capita expense of consumer spending in urban area of Hangzhou was 7450 yuan, ranked third in the 11 cities in Zhejiang. The growth rate of the per capita expense of consumer spending in Hangzhou was 12.2%, ranked second in the 11 cities in Zhejiang.

Residents in Shaoxing earn most

Among the 16 cities, Shaoxing ranked first for the urban residents’ disposable income per capita. The disposable income per capita in Shaoxing was 12362 yuan, Shanghai ranked second with 12278 yuan, followed by Taizhou (12147 yuan), Hangzhou (11899 yuan) and Ningbo (11775 yuan). 4 of the top 5 are cities in Zhejiang.

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