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Hangzhou Enterprises Bases Increased to 151

77 enterprises and public institutions, such as Hangzhou Zhongcui Food Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Youth Center have officially become the second group of graduate employment practice bases in Hangzhou, thus the total number of citywide practice bases has increased to 151.

Graduate enterprise practice, based on the needs of employment units in Hangzhou, is a vital carrier for tailor-made talents and also a substantial platform for elevating abilities of establishing a business or obtaining employment. It provides on-the-job trainings for graduating students, and enables enterprises to teach and assist and guide students according to requirements and needs of the enterprises.

In June, 2008, 74 graduate enterprise practice bases were firstly certified. Only after half a year, these bases altogether received 3914 trainees, 2972 of whom, after training, stayed on the bases or took up an occupation in other organizations in Hangzhou. According to statistics, last year, the percentage of Hangzhou university graduates who joined practice training and stayed was 75.9%.

To enlarge the scale of training practice and further its development, having observed and studied another 155 units that signed up to be the second group of graduate practice bases, Hangzhou Bureau of Personnel Administration had certified 77 enterprises and public institutions such as Hangzhou Zhongcui Food Co., Ltd. And Hangzhou Youth Center to be the second group of graduate practice bases in Hangzhou, thus the total number of citywide practice bases has increased to 151.

The same as the first group of graduate practice bases, these 77 units are legally registered in Hangzhou and established with a certain scale and a good social reputation and they provide some practice training posts suitable for graduates. “Hangzhou Graduates Career Information Web” provides specific information, contacts and practice posts of the second group of graduate practice bases for reference.

It is reported that college students who signed up for this training need to sign “Hangzhou College Student Employment Practice Protocol” after a two-way selection between students and bases. And HBPA will also attend to personal accident insurance uniformly for every graduating student who takes up a position. After training, students who retain to work will receive 70% of living allowance according to employee’s monthly minimum salary standard in Hangzhou enterprises and a certain amount of training expenses included to the training bases.

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