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Less electricity problems now

It is late spring, and the temperature is now growing. However, the enterprises of Zhejiang are no longer concerned with it; whereas in the past years, the problem of power cuts was often disturbing the enterprises.

From the year 2003 through 2005, due to the limit of electricity production, "Power Cut" was always handicaping the enterprises in Zhejiang. However, the from 2002 through 2006, the capacity of 6,000 kilowatt dynamos in Zhejiang has risen from 18,320,000 kilowatt to 36,440,000 kilowatt, which has greatly relieved the electricity problems.

On November 2nd, 2006, electricity service has reached Daqu Island Village of Dongtou County, Wenzhou City, which has marked that electricity has covered all the villages in Zhejiang. On the other hand, urban residents will soon declare farewell to "Power Cut": it is planned that no power cut due to electricity generation problem; and in 2010, the power per capita will reach 1 kilowatt, which means that everyone will be able to run a air-conditioner.
