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Famous writer opens fire on emperor TV serials  2005年05月23日 16:42:24  浙江在线新闻网站

Wang Meng speaks at the China Film&TV Summit Forum in Hengdian, east China's Zhejiang province on May 22, 2005

Wang Meng, vice chairman of China Writers' Association and former cultural minister of the People's Republic of China, has opened fire on too much emperor-themed TV serials being shown on TV.

"I'm getting old and my only entertainment at home is watching TV,"said 71-year-old Wang, who was in Hengdian, east China's Zhejiang province, attending the Third Zhejiang Writer Festival, "It's really a pity that emperor-related TV serials have been on shown repeatedly on different TV channels."

"I just wonder what has been left behind in our memory?", Wand added.

The famous writer also made his remarks on famous Chinese film director Zhou Yimou.

"I've watched Zhang's big hits such as 'Hero' and 'House of Flying Daggers', every scene is beautiful, I think there's something that has been omitted--a kind of internal soul", Wang said, talking about his feeling on Zhang's film.

"Look at our Spring Festival evening gala and you'll be given an impression that Chinese man of the 21st century is like such persons as Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei and Pan Changjiang since those old faces have kept appearing on TV before audience each year", Wang Meng also expressed his view on the annual entertainment gala.

"The audience need trying fresh way of art and as a spectator, I hope that Chinese film and TV industry will flourish as flowers and produced better works." Wang said.

来源: Zhejiang Online  作者: Wang Jun  编辑: 王俊

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