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Ningbo Established Housing Security System of Limiting Price Houses

  The other day, at the 52th executive meeting of the Municipal People's Government presided by Mayor Mao Guanglie, Rules of Administration of Limiting Price Houses of Ningbo was adopted on principles. This indicates that Ningbo has established a housing security system that integrates low rent housing, economical rent housing, economically affordable housing and limiting price housing.

  At the meeting, it is stressed that housing is a very important issue for the livelihood of the people, and that it is of great importance to establish the housing security system of limiting price housing, and to speed up solving the housing problem for the middle or low income families in urban areas and for the talented people introduced into the city. This system is in line with the goal set by Ningbo Municipal Committee of the CPC and Ningbo Municipal Government that the city should establish a housing supply and housing security system for people of different incomes according to the economic and social development and guarantee the housing for all people.

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网友评论 1 条,查看全部 昵称:  
网友 于2009-05-28 15:35:31 就 Ningbo Established Housing Security System of Limiting Price Houses 评论

  well,Ningbo estabilished a housing serurity system,congratulation,but how many families don't have house in urban ?what's other measures?

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