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2016年07月19日 13:51:53 来源: 浙江在线-浙江城镇网 记者 陈丽丹

外国友人体验磨豆浆。浙江在线记者 李选摄


  浙江在线7月19日讯(记者 陈丽丹)外国人眼中的最美乡村,究竟是怎么样的呢?7月12日以来,浙江在线新闻网站组织外国人体验浙江的美丽乡村,分别来到杭州临安的白沙村、金华兰溪的诸葛八卦村、绍兴柯桥的棠棣村,自然山水、人文历史、生态农业,浙江的美丽乡村吸引外国朋友驻足留念。来自巴基斯坦的浙江大学公共管理学院博士研究生Riaz Ahmad在走访白沙村后,特地写了一篇文章,介绍他所看到的浙江美丽乡村。












  附:Riaz Ahmad关于临安白沙村的文章原文。

  Baisha Village——From a Foreigner's Perspective

  Riaz Ahmad, PHD student of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,China

  Writing is my hobby, appreciation is my habit and point-outing is my nature. Last Tuesday (12 July, 2016) I visited “Baisha Village, Linan, Hangzhou with my other foreign friends to explore the natural beauty :

  The natural beauty of Baisha, the scenery and its simplicity encouraged me to explore and introduce all the good aspects of the village as well as put forward some suggestion to cover the gap.

  The village is rich from all natural resources as well as artificial. There you can easily meet the experience of the local peaceful lifestyle, the ancient architecture, and the graceful landscapes. The village consists of the ethnic with unique and graceful architectures, beautiful landscapes and peaceful untouched villages with picturesque scenery. Photographing, hiking, and visiting are the customs of Baisha.

  The village is a great destination for photographers, especially in the summer session; it is almost suited for months. The village is decorated with colorful wild flowers, white pear blossoms, and green grassland.

  The life style and environment there is more relaxed than those in city: no pollution, no traffic, simple food with natural water, and abundant plants which provide fresh air.

  The Living condition is better than city's: huge space for living and kids are able to play in freely mood. Most of the villagers are old people working in the farm of yards, and a trend of the youths moving to city for job or for high education.

  Working condition of the villagers is very simple but highly prosperous, even they don’t have the high family medical facility but still they are rich from all points of view.

  Working life of the Baisha villagers is less challenging, and there is little financial and required professional skill pressure---major ways of income are to be a local tour guide or opening small shops for the visitors.

  The residents of Baisha are simple and kind, the interpersonal relationship is easier to deal with.

  Baisha Village is highly recommended for all ages of people especially for the elderly people.

  Tea in the Village is good in taste and the residents offer tea to every guest because of the cultural tradition, below is a picture of tea-making:

  Baisha Village Mountains are full of trees which provide the clean and fresh air to all, below is a picture of the mountains:

  In the mountains there are a lot of monkeys, they are trained for the peoples for fun for the visitors, below is the picture:

  In Baisha there are lots of water boats for the visitors as well as the residents of the village , and other fun games and activities:

  Shortly, there are quite a few problems living in city………..

  Everything has two sides like living in the city / a village……….

  I think it depends on your choice…………

  If you like fast like with a lot libraries, hospitals,educations, swimming pools , movie theatres, ATMs etc than you can choose the city life otherwise the Baisha life is quite richer than city life.

标签: 白沙村;乡村 责任编辑: 朱婧


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