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新居民居住证制度改革即将实施 - 嘉兴在线

   RAMALLAH, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is to meet Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem on Friday, Israel Radio reported Thursday.

   Israel Radio in Arabic quoted sources in Olmert's bureau assaying that Abbas and Olmert will meet on Friday at the latter's house in Jerusalem to resume talks on preparing for next month peace summit held in the United States.

   "The meeting aims at bridging the gaps between the two sides on forming a joint document of declaration to be presented before Annapolis summit scheduled to be held next month," said the radio.

   U.S. President George W. Bush announced he is intending to hold a summit in fall and will invite Arab and Israeli leaders, including the Palestinians, as well as world's leaders to find away to solve the Arab-Israeli conflicts.

   Israel and the Palestinians formed two teams to negotiate the details of the document that would be presented to the conference. The Palestinians want to mention a specific date for the beginning of the talks on final status issues.

   Chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qurei said Thursday the two teams held a meeting overnight in Jerusalem, adding "they exchanged views over several issues amid hope to agree soon on the joint document."

   The Palestinians want the document to mention a clear Israeli agreement to negotiate and resolve final status issues such as Jerusalem, refugees' right of return the borders, and set up a time schedule for implementing the agreements.

   Meanwhile, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will arrive in early November to the region again, where she will visit in Turkey and the Middle East.

   He said Rice is also intending to meet with Palestinian and Israeli leaders to bridge the gaps between them on agreeing on the document before heading to the summit.


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