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  Programs of “Butterfly Girls Band” in the UK

  1、器乐合奏:江南丝竹《咏南》 作曲:朱 毅


  “江南丝竹”是流传于浙江一带的民间音乐演奏形式。 “江南丝竹”已被中国文化部列为“非物质文化遗产”保护名录。《咏南》的作者以新的创作理念和技法,扩展了“江南丝竹”的音乐表现力,表达了作者对南方秀丽山水的思念之情。

  1. Ensemble: Ode to Jiangnan

  Composer: Zhu Yi

  Performers: All the members of “Butterfly Girls Band”

  “Jiangnan stringed and woodwind music” is a kind of folk music performing form that goes popular in Zhejiang Province.

  With new concept of creation and skills, this piece of music refines and enriches the musical elements of the traditional “Jiangnan stringed and woodwind music”, as well as extends its musical expression. This music expresses the composer’s longing for southern China’s beautiful scenery.






  2. Bamboo Flute Solo: Three, Five and Seven

  Composer: Zhao Songting

  Performer: Shao Meiwei

  Bamboo Flute is one of the most characteristic musical instruments in China. In 1972, more than 160 bone whistles and flutes were unearthed on Hemudu Site in Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province. It was evaluated that they were the most ancient musical instruments in the Neolithic Age with a history of more than 7,000 years. Bamboo was used for the material of flutes over 4,000 years ago.

  “Three, Five and Seven” is a famous piece of flute solo, which adopts musical elements of Wuju Opera in the middle regions of Zhejiang Province. With beautiful and magnificent melodies it features a rich countryside flavor.

  The solo player and the band are well coordinated in the performance with infectious ups and downs.

  3、京胡独奏:《夜深沉》 演奏:杨 柳



  3. Jinghu Solo: Deep Night

  Performer: Yang Liu

  Dancer: He Jiayuan

  This is a music piece adapted from Peking Opera. Peking opera is a kind of ancient Chinese drama, and it is also called the national Opera of China. This music piece uses Jinghu—a special kind of Chinese fiddle of Peking Opera as the main musical instrument. The strong and beautiful melody provides distinctive charm under the accompaniment of drum. This music vividly describes the graceful postures of an ancient noble lady sword dancing in the moonlight.

  4、古筝独奏:《战台风》 作曲:王昌元

  演奏:谢 涛



  4. Guzheng Solo: Fighting the Typhoon

  Composer: Wang Changyuan

  Performer: Xie Tao

  Guzheng is one of the ancient plucked and stringed instruments. It got popular in the northwest regions of China between 476 B.C and 221 B.C.

  “Fighting the Typhoon” is a famous piece of Guzheng music in China. Inspired by the spirit of dockworkers fighting the typhoon the composer created this piece in 1965.

  It describes the happy scene of dockworkers working, rushing and transporting goods as well as their joy after defeating the typhoon.

  5、扬琴独奏:《梦游天姥山》 作曲:徐坚强




  5. Dulcimer solo: Visiting Tianmu Mountain in dreams

  Composer: Xu Jianqiang

  Performer: Song Shanhu

  Dulcimer is a kind of Chinese ancient plucked musical instrument. Originated from the Middle East and Persia, the dulcimer spread to China from Europe in the 17th and the 18th century. Overtime in terms of shape, production and performance method, the dulcimer has changed to become a solo instrument in the field of Chinese traditional music.

  The creation of this musical piece is based on a romantic poem with the same title written by Li Bai--- a well-known poet in the Tang Dynasty (701—762 A.D.). The precipitous Tianmu Mountain is located on the middle part of Zhejiang Province.

  Li Bai described a dream of visiting Tianmu Mountain---- various exotic flowers and herbs, many gods in magnificent clothes listening to wonderful music. It expressed his longing for an ideal world.

  6、笙独奏:《天山的节日》 作曲 曹建国

  演奏:李 鑫



  6. Sheng Solo: Festival of the Tianshan Mountains

  Composer: Cao Jianguo Performer: Li Xin

  Sheng is a kind of Chinese traditional reed-pipe-instrument. It had taken shape in the Shang dynasty 3000 years ago.

  This piece of music adopted music materials of Xinjiang. The player employed continuous and rapid double tonguing with unique style. This piece shows Xinjiang people’s aspirations for the brilliant future.

  7、二胡独奏:《二泉映月》 编曲:阿 炳

  演奏:马 崊



  7. Erhu Solo: Er-quan Spring Reflecting the Moon

  Composer: A Bing

  Performer: Ma Lin

  Accompanist: Shen Jie

  Erhu is a kind of two-string musical instrument, said to be spread from “Hu Ren”---a minority nationality in northwest China, so it is also called “Hu Fiddle”.This music is a famous work of a blind Chinese musician in the last century. It reflects the lonely, sad thoughts and feelings of a blind artist who had suffered a lot in life from its description of the broken moon shadow in the spring water.






  8. Chinese String Quintet: A Cheerful Night

  Composer: Hu Dengtiao Performers: Song Shanhu, Xie Tao, Sun Qian, Zhang Yu, Lan Jia

  Chinese String Quintet is a kind of performing form that uses five musical instruments. And it is also the most characteristic form of performances by “Butterfly Girls Band”.This piece of music is based on the musical elements of the east region of Zhejiang. It describes happy and peaceful living occasions of Zhejiang people.




  9. Suona Solo: Dates harvesting

  Performer: Zhang Xiaorui

  The earliest Suona was popular in the area of Persia and Arabian countries, and it first appeared in China in 3rd century. Nowadays, it has become a popular folk musical instrument of China.

  This piece of music belongs to northern wind music. The performer uses three instruments like Suona and mouth-flute to describe the joyful scenes for men, women, kids and elderly people amusing and singing to each other.

  10、鼓乐:《欢庆》 作曲:李民雄



  11. Drum Music: Celebration

  Composer: Li Minxiong

  Performers: Song Shanhu, Shen Jie etc

  Adapted from the folk drum music in Eastern Zhejiang Province, this composition is the most famous piece in Chinese traditional percussion music. The music is enthusiastic and cheerful. And it vividly describes the joyful and festival-celebrating scenes of the local people.


  End of the performance

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