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2020年02月21日 12:22:15 来源: 浙江在线 陈于慧


  8 Measures to Assist Work Resumption for Overseas Personnel by Entry & Exit Administration Department of Zhejiang Public Security Department


  To respond the call of controlling the epidemic and resuming work at the same time, Entry & Exit Administration Department of Zhejiang Public Security Department has issued 8 supporting measurements. 

  一、24小时提供服务。全省11个市级和19个县级签证办理窗口提供24小时电话咨询和预约服务。Provide 24-hour full time service. Visa offices of 11 prefecture-level cities and 19 county-level cities will provide 24-hour telephone counseling service and reservation service. 

  二、缩短签证证件办理时限。办理签证延期、换发、补发和停留证件的签发、换发、补发从7个工作日缩短至3个工作日;办理居留许可延期、换发和补发从15个工作日缩短至5个工作日。Speed up visa processing time. The processing time of extension, renewal and reissue for visa and stay permits will be speeded up from 7 working days to 5 working days; the processing time of resident permit extension, renewal and reissue will be speeded up from 15 working days to 5 working days. 

  三、加大签证证件容缺受理力度。对申请签证证件延期的,若提供相关函件或证明材料确有困难,提交个人声明并承诺疫情后1个月内补齐材料,可予以受理。Difficulties in document-providing can be accepted. Visa extension application will be accepted if the applicant can submit personal statement to promise to provide the missing materials within one month after the end of the epidemic under the condition that the applicant can’t provide the necessary document for the time being. 

  四、简化签证证件申请材料。对涉外大型企业等外国人较多的,可凭涉外大型企业出具的附人员清单的函件,受理签证证件(无需一人一函);对有留档和可通过系统查询的材料均不必提供。Simplify materials in visa application. Foreign related enterprises or organizations can provide letters attached with their own staffs namelist in group application, and no need to issue seperate letters for everyone; Archive files and documents accessible by visa application system can be exempted. 

  五、扩大签证证件代办范围。对申请签证证件延期、换发、补发的,本人到公安出入境管理部门确有困难的,可由聘用单位或亲属关系人代为申请。Expand the accepting scope of non-in-person visa application. Those who cannot come to Exit& Entry Administration Department in person for visa extension, renewal and reissue can authorize their employers or relatives to submit applications for them. 

  六、坚持 “急事急办”。对有紧急事由的境外人员,当天办妥签证证件等出入境证件。Give priority to emergency application. Visas and Residence permits can be processed within one day for those overseas applicants who are truly in emergency need. 

  七、主动帮助境外人员申领健康码。制作中外文的境外人员申领健康码办事指南等材料,进行全面推送,让来浙境外人员及时申领健康码。Always ready to help overseas people in their applying for health code. Make and publicize bilingual or multilingual application- instructing materials so as to help overseas people in Zhejiang to acquire health code as soon as possible.  

  八、着力解决境外人员困难和诉求。密切联系境外人员,及时收集返岗过程中存在的困难和诉求,积极帮助解决。Resolve difficulties and appeals of overseas people. Closely interact with overseas people so as to collect and resolve the difficulties and appeals from them in their returning to work.




标签: 责任编辑: 余金叶




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