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人间天堂 汪建伟摄






  Hangzhou, an ancient city and a green-jade pendant in the heart of Zhejiang Province and East China, is gifted with green mountains, clear water and lies close to a boundless sea. It is easy to understand how this city gained its reputation as a “Paradise on Earth,” “China's Happiest City” and “Top Cities for Doing Business on the Chinese Mainland.”

  Do as local residents often do; use your time to savour this historic water-fed city that was formed over the ages around its centrepiece West Lake. Escape the roar of the material city in the sound of a tinkling evening bell, the commonplace in viewing a delicate, historic sculpture crafted when Chinese Buddhism was young. Watch an artisan carve a stone seal that will be yours and yours alone, or dine on Dongpo pork at lakeside as reflections of pagodas shimmer in the water.

  Here, dreams merge with the real, harmoniously. Tranquil and beautiful, a higher quality of life is sought in a modern Hangzhou, yet it is also a vibrant international city. Historic and well-preserved, the quality of life in this “Liveable Land of Promise” is ensured by a thriving economy, its diverse and high-quality products, it courageous people and daring entrepreneurs. Hope springs from its willingness to innovate and change, epitomized by its universities, cultural and creative industries, sports and recreational facilities and its commercial life.This is Hangzhou: a rapidly developing international city ready to share its ancient and contemporary wealth of being, its domestic and foreign elements, its waters and mountains with you. Come, share the joys of Hangzhou.

西湖全景 顾益民摄


  With an exciting and event-filled history of more than 2,000 years since Hangzhou's founding during the Qin Dynasty (221–206 BC), during which the city often served as a capital or a key city, this ancient city elevated its special blend of classical Chinese culture and economic and commercial life to spectacular peaks.

  The tradition continues today: Hangzhou has an enviable transportation system making surface or air travel easy for business or pleasure; unparalleled ease can be found in its logistics system, whether shipping by land, sea or air. Because of these advances—the fruit of 30 years of reform and opening, which is being augmented by the day—Hangzhou’s fortunes and those of its residents and businesses are growing; dreams are being realized at all levels of society. Improved communications are resulting in even more and wider exchanges, both globally and in China, of thoughts and ideas that will lead to even greater innovations and progress, just as in days gone by when Marco Polo described Hangzhou as the“most splendid and heavenly city in the world.”

千岛湖之夏 吴宗其摄


  The municipality’s socio-economic development actions have been recognized. The World Bank named Hangzhou No. 1 among the Best Investment Environment Cities of China five successive years; Forbes magazine cited it as the No. 1 Forbes Best Cities for Business on the Chinese Mainland five years in a row. Its aggregate economic performance ranked second among all the capitals of China’s provinces and sixth in comprehensive competitiveness among Chinese mainland cities. These numbers indicate that Hangzhou is a paradise for travel and living, but also for investment and business

如今因你而美丽 韩盛摄


  Scenic Cultured City Hangzhou’s beauty is unquestioned, but its beautiful scenery represents sometimes touching or doleful legends. It is no exaggeration to say that nearly every pavilion, bridge, temple and pagoda has a story to tell, some a thousand years old or more.


  Hangzhou is a city of leisure. With its picturesque scenery, fascinating art shows, various expositions and colourful activities, Hangzhou is a city of joy for all.

节日之夜 翁荣儿摄


  At the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, visitors will find an exhibition of the “Quality Life of Hangzhou by Controlling and Managing Water.” Hangzhou coexists with rivers, lakes, brooks and the open sea. Under the guiding concept “harmony among people, nature and culture,” Hangzhou has successfully handled the relationship between urban development and environmental protection, including its natural environment. With West Lake as the centre of the city, Hangzhou is a water-oriented, liveable city.

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