浙江历史悠久,早在5万年前的旧石器时代,就有原始人类在今天的浙江西部山区一带活动。进入新石器时代,浙江境内人类活动的范围已相当广泛。 |
Zhejiang has a long history. As early as in the Old Stone Age about 50,000 years ago, the primitive man called the Jiande Man lived in the hilly regions in the western part of… |
距今1万年的上山文化遗址、6000-7000年的河姆渡文化、6000多年的马家浜文化和4000-5000年的良渚文化是浙江悠久灿烂的史前文化的杰出代表。 |
Rich in cultural relics, Zhejiang has five state-level Historically and Culturally Famous Cities, namely, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Quzhou and Linhai. The province boasts 131 cultural … |
浙江坚持科学发展观,经济实现平稳较快协调发展。生产总值、人均生产总值和财政总收入均居全国前列。浙江有“市场大省”之称。商品交易市场数量多。 |
Zhejiang has been persisting in pursue of a scientific outlook on development,and its economy has achieved sound and fast growth. Economy of regional characteristics is flourishing in Zhejiang. |
浙江是中国对外开放度较高的沿海省份之一,也是投资环境较好的省份。生态环境质量基本稳定,生态环境状况总体处于全国前列,森林覆盖率达60.5%。 |
Zhejiang, a coastal province with a high degree of opening up to the outside world, boasts a favorable investment environment. The quality of ecological environment in Zhejiang is generally steady. |
浙江是中国最早对外开放的省份之一,共建有13个国家级开发区,57个省级经济开发区。已与47个国家的省、市建立了189对友好关系,其中省本级39对。 |
One of the first provinces in the country to open up to the outside world.International cultural exchanges are increasingly animated. The special characteristic culture and art from Zhejiang … |
浙江是中国著名的旅游胜地,得天独厚的自然风光和积淀深厚的人文景观交相辉映,使浙江获得了“鱼米之乡、丝茶之府、文物之邦”的美誉。 |
Tourism facilities have been improving with each passing day in Zhejiang, along with the development of the tourism industry, visibly increasing the province's capacity of hosting tourists. |
浙江出版联合集团作为全省出版界的龙头,以图书、期刊、音像制品、电子出版物出版发行为主业,拥有9家出版社和3个全资子公司。 |
A provincial system of news release on the Internet has been primarily established. It is headed by the key provincial news websites or homepages and composed of municipal … |
浙江的基础教育多年保持中国先进水平,高等教育进入大众化阶段。科技进步在浙江经济和社会发展中的作用进一步增强,技术创新活动进一步活跃。 |
Progress in science and technology plays an increasingly prominent role in the economic and social development of Zhejiang Province and technology innovations are on the increase. |
浙江省完善覆盖城乡、不同层次、不同水平的社会保障和救助体系。全省医疗保健水平稳步提高,城乡医疗服务体系逐步建立,医疗综合服务能力明显增强。 |
Income of Zhejiang residents has been growing rapidly.Zhejiang has been improving a social security and aid system serving people of different classes with different leve… |
“十一五”时期浙江省经济社会发展的总体目标是:力争到2010年全省基本实现全面小康社会的目标,为提前基本实现社会主义现代化打下坚实基础。 |
The general destination of Zhejiang economic and social development for the Eleventh Five-Year Project period is to basically build up a moderately prosperous society in all aspects… |